We start this month’s Future Energy eNews with an announcement of an award given to “The 11th Green”a film by ChristopherMunch, which the New Yorker has listed as "One of the Best of 2020." Our IRI Members will recall that we screened this movie at COFE11 in Albuquerque NM in 2019, before its official launch. Now it is a classic, based on actual real life events, that traces the US government’s secret programs from Eisenhower to Obama, with two look-alikes for each of those Presidents. Even a believable alien is portrayed in the film, which sticks with you after it is over. I was also just interviewed by the movie’s writer-director Chris Munch for a follow-up documentary he is working on at this time. Watch the trailer and rent the movie today!
IRI Supporter and Filmmaker Chris Munch, receives award for film:"The 11th Green"