Dr. John Brandenburg, a renowned Sandia physicist and DARPA grant recipient, has today unveiled groundbreaking results from a gravity modification experiment, ending a two-year embargo on publication. The innovative research, conducted under DARPA’s auspices, explores novel methods of altering gravitational fields, potentially revolutionizing our understanding of fundamental physics. Dr. Brandenburg's work, initially conducted under the auspices of a high-profile DARPA grant, had been subject to a two-year publishing restriction to ensure thorough compliance with national security protocols. The embargo was just lifted for a public disclosure presentation this past weekend at the Alternative Propulsion Engineering Conference, with an unspecified government agency allowing experimental results to be revealed that prove his published theory (https://tinyurl.com/Gravity-EM). The experiment demonstrates the successful modulation of gravitational fields in a controlled environment, with a Tesla 3-Phase rotating EM field from a 170-gram coil suspended from a highly accurate load cell, resulting in a 150 milligram weight loss, about a 0.1 % effect from a 30 Watt input. This single
experiment, conducted many times with various configurations and predicted in September, 2024
preprint http://dx.doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.21443.62248, challenges long-held theories about gravity.
"This research represents a significant leap forward in our comprehension of gravitational dynamics," said
Dr. Brandenburg. "I am thrilled to share these results with the world and contribute to the ongoing dialogue
about the future of physics and propulsion technology."
The publication of these gravity-electromagnetism (GEM) reproducible results comes at a pivotal moment
for the scientific community, promising to ignite discussions and further investigations into the potential
applications and implications of gravity modification. For further information and to access the full
disclosure of the experiment, please visit: https://www.altpropulsion.com/events/apec-8-31-2024/ .
Also see the Preprint just posted.