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Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection, 2021 -


Too many climate committees, conferences, articles and publications continue to suggest a one and a half (1.5°C) to two degrees (2°C) Celsius as an achievable global limit to climate changes without establishment of any causal link to the proposed anti-warming mechanism. A comprehensive review has found instead that observationally informed projections of climate science underlying climate change offer a different outlook of five to six-degree (5°C - 6°C) increase as “most accurate” with regard to present trends, climate history and models, yielding the most likely outcome for 2100. The most causative triad for the present warming trend from 1950 to the present is identified in this paper: 1) the tripling (3×) of world population; 2) the quadrupling (4×) of carbon emissions; and 3) the quintupling (5×) of the world energy consumption. This paper presents a quantitative, linear global temperature correlation to carbon dioxide levels that has great predictive value, a short temporal feedback loop, and the finding that it is also reversible. The Vostok ice core temperature and CO2 values for the past 400,000 years, with past sea level estimates have produced the sufficiently evidential “Hansen’s Graph”. Detailed analysis results in an equation for global average temperature change and an indebted, long-term sea level rise, from even a 20 ppm of CO2 change above 290 ppm, commonly taken as a baseline for levels before 1950. Comparison to the well-known 800,000 year old Dome C ice core is also performed. The best-performing climate change models and observational analysis are seen to project more warming than the average model often relied …

Gigatonne Carbon Dioxide Removal Can Reverse Global Heating Trend


It is a surprising realization to many that a changing temperature tightly correlates with the carbon dioxide (CO2) levels worldwide in a linear, lockstep manner with a reversible but very short temporal feedback loop of only a few decades. A mapping of the past 400,000 years of earth’s climate history by Hansen, based on the Vostok ice core sampling, offers a glimpse into this remarkably tight relationship between CO2 and global temperature levels but also the average sea level over four ice ages that are clearly delineated in his historic depiction of all three quantities. As his Table accompanying the graph is analyzed, an equation linking the three variables has now been generated, yielding a fresh view into how past decades of hundreds of gigatons of atmospheric increase will continue to affect a worldwide temperature rise, also called “global warming.” The implication that is inescapable from such an analysis is that the presently stored CO2 level, far surpassing by over 40% those present in 1950, is the real cause of the physics “heat-trapping effect” seen worldwide. (Note: US tons are 0.907 of metric tonnes and both are used in this article.) Research accomplished in this review point to the heat-trapping property of CO2 as the major contributor to increasing heat worldwide and lead to the prediction of how much higher global temperature will rise if left unchecked, with the level of CO2 over 40% higher than it has ever been in more than 400,000 years. The proposed solution offered in this review is to initiate a 40 gigatonne carbon dioxide removal (CDR) annually in order to stabilize atmospheric CO2, to be followed by an expanded CDR effort toward a goal of 100 gigatonnes/year to begin reversing and lowering global temperature.



  • Carbon dioxide

  • global temperature average

  • gigatonnes

  • ice core record

Linear global temperature correlation to carbon dioxide level, sea level, and innovative solutions to a projected 6 C warming by 2100

Proposed Use of Zero Bias Diode Arrays as Thermal Electric Noise Rectifiers and Non‐Thermal Energy Harvesters

American Institute of Physics


The well known built‐in voltage potential for some select semiconductor p‐n junctions and various rectifying devices is proposed to be favorable for generating DC electricity at “zero bias” (with no DC bias voltage applied) in the presence of Johnson noise or 1/f noise which originates from the quantum vacuum (Koch et al., 1982). The 1982 Koch discovery that certain solid state devices exhibit measurable quantum noise has also recently been labeled a finding of dark energy in the lab (Beck and Mackey, 2004). Tunnel diodes are a class of rectifiers that are qualified and some have been credited with conducting only because of quantum fluctuations. Microwave diodes are also good choices since many are designed for zero bias operation.


Permanent Magnet Spiral Motor for Magnetic Gradient Energy Utilization: Axial Magnetic Field​

AIP Conference Proceedings 1208, 593 (2010);




The Spiral Magnetic Motor, which can accelerate a magnetized rotor through 90% of its cycle with only permanent magnets, was an energy milestone for the 20th century patents by Kure Tekkosho in the 1970’s. However, the Japanese company used old ferrite magnets which are relatively weak and an electrically‐powered coil to jump start every cycle, which defeated the primary benefit of the permanent magnet motor design. The principle of applying an inhomogeneous, anisotropic magnetic field gradient force 𝐹𝑧 = μ cos φ dB/dz, = μ cos φ dB/dz, with permanent magnets is well‐known in physics, e.g., Stern‐Gerlach experiment, which exploits the interaction of a magnetic moment with the aligned electron spins of magnetic domains. In this case, it is applied to dB/dθdB/dθ in polar coordinates, where the force F𝜃Fdepends equally on the magnetic moment, the cosine of the angle between the magnetic moment and the field gradient. The radial magnetic field increases in strength (in the attractive mode) or decreases in strength (in the repulsive mode) as the rotor turns through one complete cycle. An electromagnetic pulsed switching has been historically used to help the rotor traverse the gap (detent) between the end of the magnetic stator arc and the beginning (Kure Tekko, 1980). However, alternative magnetic pulse and switching designs have been developed, as well as strategic eddy current creation. This work focuses on the switching mechanism, novel magnetic pulse methods and advantageous angular momentum improvements. For example, a collaborative effort has begun with Toshiyuki Ueno (University of Tokyo) who has invented an extremely low power, combination magnetostrictive‐piezoelectric (MS‐PZT) device for generating low frequency magnetic fields and consumes “zero power” for static magnetic field production (Ueno, 2004 and 2007a). Utilizing a pickup coil such as an ultra‐miniature millihenry inductor with a piezoelectric actuator or simply Wiegand wire geometry, it is shown that the necessary power for magnetic field switching device can be achieved in order to deflect the rotor magnet in transit. The Wiegand effect itself (bistable FeCoV wire called “Vicalloy”) invented by John Wiegand (Switchable Magnetic Device, US Patent ♯4,247,601), utilizing Barkhausen jumps of magnetic domains, is also applied for a similar achievement (Dilatush, 1977). Conventional approaches for spiral magnetic gradient force production have not been adequate for magnetostatic motors to perform useful work. It is proposed that integrating a magnetic force control device with a spiral stator inhomogeneous axial magnetic field motor is a viable approach to add a sufficient nonlinear boundary shift to apply the angular momentum and potential energy gained in 315 degrees of the motor cycle.


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Tesla high-voltage electrotherapy history and science

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